Abwicklungs Hilfe OLPE Police
Hier finden Sie die Anforderungen der OLPE Police nach besten Wissen:
Hier der englische Original Text.
Following list of maturity requirements and instructions:
- Maturity Instructions Form – Copy attached for completion, signature and date.
- Investor Affirmation Beneficiary and/or Owner name change – Attached copy for completion, signature and date, regardless of no changes requested, Statement is a compliance requisite.
- Verification of Change of Address Forms – required on both Investor and Beneficiary, even if there has been no change of residence or mailing address, the attached form is required. Please PRINT legible, and return fully completed, signed and dated form.
- Maturity Banking Instruction – Must be fully completed, legible form only, all data must be correct. Any banking cost associated with wrong information provided, will be debited from Net Policy Proceeds.
- W-8BEN – copy attached for completion, signature and date.
- Passport copy - Non-expiry, legible, color copy of the original Passport is needed. Document must be certified by either a banker; accountant; lawyer or notary, affirming validity the document.
- PHOTO ID - Non-expiry, current & valid, legible, color copy of the original Photo ID. Document must be certified by either a banker; accountant; lawyer or notary, affirming the Photo ID is a “true copy of the original Photo ID”.
- Proof of current residence address – copy of a utility bill (gas, water, electricity). No copies of mobile/cellular bills are accepted, only for telephone land lines. Document must be certified by either a banker; accountant; lawyer or notary.
NOTES: We kindly ask that all requirements and correspondence be forwarded
Stand 13.01.2021